The ethical dilemma of using ChatGPT or Gemini

Nikhil Das Nomula

There is no doubt that ChatGPT or Gemini(Formerly Bard) have led the explosion of Generative AI. However when you look at the data that they were trained on and how they might have been trained on – it raises this question if we are doing this the right way?

The reason I pose that question can be better explained via an example. Let’s say for example I am a writer and I write really well. Now that is a skill the writer has honed for years. What ChatGPT or OpenAI did was to train on that and now a mediocre writer can write at the same level as a really good writer. There is a lawsuit that is going on which can be found here

That being said, I use chatGPT or Gemini to enhance my written communication for e.g. how do I better word, “Worked with key strategic vendors in my job to improve relationships” and a sample response from Gemini is

Built trust and fostered collaboration with key vendors, leading to [improved metric, e.g., increased efficiency, cost savings]

If you want to communicate your value in this example, you would use a response that Gemini or ChatGPT gives you.

That being said, in this example – I am using someone’s writers abilities but the writers abilities are not being compensated.

I do not have answers to the ethical dilemma here but if these big companies would have reached out to the authors and told them that we are training our models on your data and we will compensate you so much, that could have been one possible solution.

If you have any questions/concerns, reach out to me at

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