How Yajur can help your organizations with AI?

Nikhil Das Nomula


Artificial Intelligence is at a point where it is gaining rapid momentum and acceptance and is being used by organizations. In this post, I want to go over how we can help your organization leverage AI

For most organizations, the challenge is to no longer get the buy-in but to find the problems that we can solve with AI. This is where we can help get the ball rolling. The simplest problems to tackle are the pdf documents that companies use to on-board employees or train employees.

In many organizations, these are documented in either pdf or word documents or whatever tool the organizations use. So the simplest way to get started is to create chatbots that train on the above-mentioned data and streamline your business processes.

This is where we can help as there are multiple ways to solve this problem depending on the industry that you are in. If your organization is in a highly regulated industry, then the way that you would approach the problem would be different as you are handling sensitive data.

If you want to learn more about this process, feel free to reach out to us

Yajur LLC is a firm based in Indianapolis, IN that offers enterprise strategy and architecture advice


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